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September 30: Orange Shirt Day and the annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

The newsletter below is from UBC’s Edubytes which highlights emerging trends and innovations in teaching and learning in higher education. Today’s newsletter focuses on orange shirt day 2023, and I thought it might be helpful to others, so I’m posting it below in its entirety. [If you are reading this post on LinkedIn, click on the URL above to see the links – for some reason, my cross-posting to LinkedIn eliminates all the links]

Orange Shirt Day 2023

September 30 marks Orange Shirt Day and the annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day brings us together to observe the legacy of Canada’s Indian residential school system and commemorate those who survived, and those who were lost.

This edition of Edubytes shares the history of the residential school system and context for understanding the ongoing impacts. We want to honour Survivors and their families, and celebrate our communities’ strength and resilience.

This edition has been curated and written in collaboration with the CTLT Indigenous Initiatives team, with contributions from:

  • Janelle Kasperski, Educational Consultant
  • Kyle Shaughnessy, Educational Consultant, Staff Training
  • Carissa Block, Educational Resources Developer
  • Samantha Nock, Educational Consultant, Campus and Classroom Climate

CONTENT NOTE: This editorial contains information on the residential school system, missing children, and Survivor testimony. Furthermore, resources will address Missing and Murdered Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit Kin, the Child Welfare System, and other ongoing impacts of the residential school system.

If you need support during this challenging time, please reach out to:

The Indian Residential School Emergency Crisis Line is available 24/7 for those that may need counselling and support: 1-800-721-0066. Alternatively, the 24-hour National Crisis Line is also available: 1-866-925-4419.

The Hope for Wellness Help Line is open to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada, and offers 24-hour mental health counselling, via phone 1-855-242-3310 or chat line.

Call 310-6789 (no area code needed) toll-free anywhere in BC to access emotional support, information and resources specific to mental health and substance use issues. Available 24 hours a day.

The KUU-US Crisis Line Society operates a 24-hour provincial Aboriginal Crisis line for adults, elders, and youth. See more below:

  • Adult/Elder Crisis Line: 250-723-4050
  • Child/Youth Crisis Line: 250-723-2040
  • BC Wide Toll Free: 1-800-588-8717
  • Métis Crisis Line BC Toll Free: 1-833-638-4722

For Indigenous Kin: Colleagues and Community

September is a long and complex month for all of us. Please know that whatever you are feeling, you are valid; make decisions that are the best for you and your kin in how you want to participate. Does that mean taking time to step back from public gatherings or showing up to public gatherings? What would fill your heart and help you feel held, seen, and supported? You are loved through the time and space of this grief and healing.


A note on navigating this newsletter for Indigenous Kin:
This communication contains many educational links and resources for non-Indigenous people to continue their learning, along with links to local events. Please take care while clicking through links, as many of them can be activating. One way this newsletter could be useful for you is by sharing it with non-Indigenous colleagues, family, and friends.


Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Orange Shirt Day started in 2013 as a grassroots commemoration event that took place in Williams Lake, BC. Together, families of former students of St. Joseph Mission Residential School from the Secwepemc, Tsilhqot’in, St’at’imc and Southern Dakelh Nations gathered to honour and remember the legacy of St. Joseph Mission. Based on Phyllis (Jack) Webstad’s story of her first day at St. Joseph Mission, the orange shirt has become a symbol in memory of those who attended residential schools, those who never returned home, and the continued remembrance of this ongoing legacy. September 30 marks Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to reflect the time of year when children were stolen from their homes and placed in the residential school system.


To learn more about the history and contemporary impacts of the residential school system, please check out these resources:

What’s the difference between Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation?

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a recent federally recognized statutory holiday, created as one of the steps the federal government has taken in recognizing Canada’s role and history in the Indian Residential School System. Coinciding with Orange Shirt Day, September 30 is a day of commemoration for Survivors, Intergenerational Survivors, and relatives that did not come home. While Orange Shirt Day is a grassroots initiative started within Indigenous community that is representative of many years of remembrance and resistance, it is not a federally recognized day of observance.

After the confirmation of unmarked graves on Residential School grounds across the country, there was a renewed call for accountability from the Canadian Government, beyond the original 2008 apology by then Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Learn more: Canadian Residential Schools: A Timeline of Apologies

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was born out of the timeless labour and activism of Survivors and their families, fulfilling #80 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s Calls to Action (PDF):
“We call upon the federal government, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, to establish, as a statutory holiday, a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour Survivors, their families, and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process.”

September 30 now marks a federally recognized statutory holiday to ensure public commemoration of the legacy of the Indian Residential School System, though not unanimously recognized as a provincial holiday.

Indigenous perspectives vary widely on the implementation of this day. You can read the different responses below:

So… What Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action Have Been Widely Implemented?

The Yellowhead Institute, an Indigenous-led research and education centre based in the Faculty of Arts at Toronto Metropolitan University, has created an annual accountability check on the TRC Calls to Action that the federal government has implemented over the last seven years. As of 2022, these are their findings:

You can learn more about Yellowhead Institute’s methodology and further analysis by checking out: Calls to Action Accountability: A 2022 Status Update on Reconciliation (PDF).

Observing Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a non-Indigenous Person

It is integral to remember that the statutory “holiday” on September 30 is not a “free” day off, but a federally instituted day of remembrance. There is a misconception that the historical and contemporary legacy of Indian Residential Schools are an “Indigenous peoples’” responsibility when, in actuality, it is a Canadian responsibility.

“There was kind of a renewed sense of not just carrying on with the work of reconciliation and addressing calls to action, but an important and key reminder about truth and about what truths […] maybe weren’t heard loud enough.”
Dr. Tricia Logan, interim academic director, Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre on recent changes in the national conversation regarding Indian Residential Schools and reconciliation.

Learn more: ‘A different place’: How the missing children of a former B.C. residential school changed Canada

Take this day to educate yourself, attend local commemorative events, and have difficult conversations with your family and friends. Take time to personally reflect and process emotions that are coming up and, through self-research, answer some of those uncomfortable questions that are coming up.


Consider attending Indigenous-led and organized gatherings, such as the annual Intergenerational March to Commemorate Orange Shirt Day led by the Faculties of Applied Science and Land and Food Systems. If you’re unable to be on the UBC Vancouver campus, consider these local gatherings:

Reconciliation does not begin and end on September 30; it is a lifetime and intergenerational responsibility. Consider the ways in which you are working to uphold reconciliation and decolonization in your everyday life. Learn more:

An important part of this work is holding difficult conversations with family, friends, and colleagues. A troubling rise in Residential School denialism has emerged over the last few years and is continuously gaining traction. Deeply rooted in anti-Indigenous racism and violent colonialism, these sentiments are becoming insidious talking points in mainstream narratives.“Indigenous people put up memorials to honour their children, not to make settlers feel bad. And it’s the emotions of these settlers, not those of Indigenous people, that are clouding the issue and obscuring the truth. It makes them eager and willing to reorient the national conversation away from its acknowledgement of Indigenous realities and toward a soothing, redemptive alternate history.”  
Michelle Cyca, The Dangerous Allure of Residential School Denialism

Challenge denialism when you see it, be an active participant in reconciliation.

Learn more: Residential School Denialism Is on the Rise. What to Know: And how to confront it. Because without the truth, there can be no reconciliation

Respectful Engagement with Indigenous Programming and Supports: Understanding Capacity

Increased truth-telling and awareness on Indigenous histories, lived experiences, and current events have led to a greater investment by non-Indigenous scholars, programs, and employees in exploring their own role in reconciliation. People truly want to do better and work towards decolonizing and indigenizing their work in meaningful ways. This positive move forward has also led to increased requests coming in for consultation and support for Indigenous-focused programs and staff.

Here are some ideas for how you can engage mindfully when requesting learning support.

Plan ahead

When you anticipate an upcoming need, get in touch with Indigenous programming early. Given the high volume of requests that come in for consultation, support, collaboration and information, it may take a bit of time before a program or staff is able to meet with you about your request. It is a best practice to provide plenty of space to ensure there is time to meet or check-in. Two months is recommended when requests focus around annual events such as Orange Shirt Day.

Spread Out Your Engagement

Prioritize decolonizing work in your programming throughout the year- not just during specific events, such as the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, Indigenous History Month, Red Dress Day, etc.

Consider Timing

Be mindful of current events relevant to Indigenous communities: days of commemoration, community tragedies, acts of injustice, and difficult truths coming to light, such as the confirmation of residential school burials. These can often be times where many Indigenous staff and faculty are also experiencing personal loss or are needing to dedicate increased resources to personal and community care. Ensure you are being considerate in the timing if your request for consultation or information is related to a recent loss or injustice.

Reconciliation, decolonization, and indigenization work is important work that we are all invested in. When we can give it the space and attention it needs, lasting and meaningful change can truly happen.



Reminder Call for papers: Higher Education Futures at the intersection of justice, hope, and educational technology

A reminder that our call for papers focused on Higher Education Futures at the intersection of justice, hope, and educational technology is open, and will be closing on Oct 31, 2023. If you have a paper that you feel may fit the aims of this call, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or one of my co-editors.

Participate in the Fall 2023 Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Survey 

Do you work at a post-secondary institution in Canada? Please participate in the 2023 Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Survey available at: 

The purpose of the Fall 2023 survey is to explore critical issues in digital learning and to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on digital learning at publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Canada. The survey asks you to share your personal perspective and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The primary objective of the research is to provide institutional leaders and key interest groups in Canadian higher education with valuable information as they develop institutional strategies.

Talk in Greek: AI in education / H τεχνητή νοημοσύνη στην εκπαίδευση

It’s been more than a moment since I gave a talk in Greek. I couldn’t pass on the opportunity to challenge myself to present to a group of 70 or so educators when invited to do so by CARDET recently. Preparing to present in Greek so took a little more time than usual, not only because Greek isn’t a language I use for academic work, but because my use of the Greek language is mostly centered on the Cypriot dialect (a dialect that not everyone who speaks Geek understands). But, I appreciated the experience, and the talk seemed to go well. The most fulfilling aspect of this was that even though I’ve given hundreds of talks around the world over the years, this was the first time that my parents could come to one of my talks and follow along in our native language. 

The talk was on the use of generative AI in education. It was a very basic introduction to the topic and some of it’s implications, and it ended with 4  basic recommendations:

  • The need for AI literacies for educators, administrators, learners, parents, and politicians
  • AI tools aren’t search engines
  • Familiarize ourselves with the positives and negatives of AI 
  • Revising assessment approaches

A short description appears below:

H τεχνητή νοημοσύνη στην εκπαίδευση 

Στο πλαίσιο του σεμιναρίου, ο Δρ Γιώργος Βελετσιάνος, Καθηγητής στο Πανεπιστήμιο Royal Roads και Επικεφαλής Ερευνητής του Καναδά στην Καινοτόμο Μάθηση και Τεχνολογία θα παρουσιάσει τα δεδομένα και εξελίξεις στο πεδίο της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης καθώς και τις προοπτικές που δημιουργούνται μέσω των εργαλείων και εφαρμογών της στην εκπαίδευση. Θα αναλύσει επίσης τις αλλαγές που η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη μπορεί να επιφέρει στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης, στον τρόπο που επιτελούν το έργο τους οι εκπαιδευτικοί αλλά και τα οφέλη που μπορούν να αποκομίσουν μέσω της χρήσης των δυνατοτήτων και εργαλείων που προσφέρει. 

A crowdsourced collection of 101 creative ideas to use AI in education

I recently came across a crowdsourced open educational resource which includes 101 ways that AI can be used in education, ranging anywhere from “ask students to read a paper about AI” to engaging in think-pair-share activities, to creating and interviewing learner personas, to exploring gender biases inherent in the data guiding AI tools.

Overall, an expansive and wonderful resource that you can download at

Chrissi Nerantzi, Sandra Abbeglen, Marianna Karatsiori, & Antonio Martínez-Arboleda (Eds.). (2023). 101 creative ideas to use AI in education, A crowdsourced collection (2023 1.0) [Computer software]. Zenodo.

Invitation to contribute to the Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Survey

If you are an administrators, teaching and learning leader, or faculty member at a Canadian post-secondary institution, you are invited to participate in the 2023 Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Survey. The purpose of the survey is to explore critical issues in digital learning and to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on digital learning at publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Canada. The primary objective of the research is to provide institutional leaders and key interest groups in Canadian higher education with valuable information as they develop institutional strategies.

The link above will take you to the survey. The information letter with more details about the survey is below.

2023 Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Surveys

Principal Investigator: Dr. Nicole Johnson, Executive Director, Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (CDLRA)

The Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (CDLRA) conducts applied research to advance knowledge about digital learning strategies, policies, and practices in close collaboration with Canadian post-secondary institutions and affiliated organizations.

To view our past reports, please visit

There are two Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Surveys:

  • The Spring survey will be open from May 1 – June 30, 2023
  • The Fall survey will be open from September 11 – October, 13, 2023Each survey has a unique set of questions on a variety of topics related to digital learning.*Important note: In the past we’ve sent one survey per institution; however, we now send the survey to multiple individuals in different roles from our roster to understand their unique, individual perspectives. We are not able to share information about other individuals at your institution who have completed the survey or who have been sent invitations to participate.


Administrators, teaching and learning leaders, and faculty at Canadian post-secondary institutions.


The purpose of our research is to assess and improve different aspects of digital learning across the country. The CDLRA does this by exploring emerging and ongoing trends in digital learning as they change over time. The primary objective of the research is to provide institutional leaders and key interest groups in Canadian higher education with valuable information, as they develop digital learning strategies.


Your participation in this study will involve sharing your personal perspectives through the completion of a short online survey. Participation in this study is voluntary.

All information that is shared with the research team will be kept strictly confidential. Only the research team has access to identifiable data. Identifiable data is stored using secure software on a password protected device. No identifying information will be shared with any other organization, including partners and sponsors.


The research team intends to publish and publicly share the aggregate findings of the study in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, research reports, academic journal articles, webinars and conference presentations, and blog posts. The identity of participants and the identity of their institutions will not be disclosed in any reports, presentations, or publications.

You may also request a summary of the findings by contacting Dr. Nicole Johnson at


No, compensation will not be provided for this study and your participation is completely voluntary.


The research team does not anticipate any risks to participants.


The findings of this study will be used to offer evidence-based suggestions for improving policies, programs, strategic plans, and digital resources for post-secondary institutions in Canada.


Your participation in this study is voluntary and involves no foreseeable risk to you as person. You may refuse to participate or answer any questions without penalty or explanation. You are free to withdraw your consent in the study at any time; however, your data cannot be withdrawn once the analysis is complete.

Please feel free to contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Nicole Johnson, by phone at 604-825-0582 or by email at if you have any questions.

Running and hurting

With the weather in Victoria finally changing, and seemingly skipping Spring straight into summer, I’m itching to run again. I was doing pretty well for a few months in the middle of winter, but I somehow managed to hurt my back. I’ve been trying to sort that out for the last five months or so and after a series of visits to massage therapy, physical therapy, and sorts/chiro therapy I feel stronger and ready to start again. I run two slow 4kms this week, and that felt good. A bit stiff still, but good. And even though I enjoyed the fall/winter running, I can’t wait for warmer temperatures. I’d take running in 85F/30C over 40F/5C any day. Here’s to hoping for continued progress.

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